Today, WAR was declared on a few Arnold project's. Jim and I set out to take on the task of finishing school shopping, helping to remove and install new lights on the garage, and install the Basketball goal that we gave to Deryck for his Birthday last week. This was alot to accomplish in one day but it had to be finished today; Jim's schedule is not very helpful in getting projects done and today was the only day I could see a remote possibility to work in these items together. While Jim and Deryck assembled the goal and hoop without much difficulty, Ashley and I finished (most) shopping.

I forgot I needed Deryck for the shoes and coat, so he and I will get those items this week when we have time.
Doug Owens, our neighbor, helped by running new electrical wiring for the lights
we bought for the garage to replace the Mercury Vapor Light that was being removed at the peak of the garage to make room for the goal.

When I returned from shopping and the new lights were installed Jim and I turned to the task of installing the
hoop and setting up the motion sensors for the lights.

Doug was a life saver today, Jim and I couldn't have finished putting the goal up without him because the darn thing is so heavy. While Doug and I lifted the goal into place Jim was able to attach it to the garage. SUCCESS!!!

All the kids on the block were here playing at one point; things were crazy with

all the kids running squealing in delight and balls flying through the air. Poor Ashley was hit in the head by a ball on accident...twice.

After things settled down, we through some hoops tog

ether just the four of us...well Shadow too. Shadow loves to chase down the stray balls!! Deryck can easily make shoots with the rim at 7 1/2ft. and as we raised the rim he was able to hit 10 ft. after a few tries. Deryck, Jim, and I played around of HORSE and when we realized that we still hadn't eaten dinner we retired for the evening.

It was a busy day and we got many things accomplished the best part was that of the entire day... seeing the our little family spending time with each other; working hard and then playing hard. Once in a lifetime memories created today!!!
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